Q & A. Q & A. Is Blue-Stained Pine Okay?


I was gifted some pine. The price was right but the wood is full of blue stain. Is this wood safe to be used for painting or secondary purposes?


Blue stain is a common fungus that infects the sapwood of freshly sawn boards causing a blue discoloration in pine. The infestation most often occurs during the summer months when freshly sawn boards are exposed to the open air before kiln drying. The color can range from a striking blue to a dull gray or black. We asked Harlan Petersen at the University of Minnesota Department of Wood and Paper Science about blue stain.

According to Mr. Petersen, blue stain is non-destructive and has no effect on wood’s structural integrity. It is therefore safe to use for strength. However, because more destructive organisms thrive under the same conditions that lead to blue stain, it is advisable to inspect your boards for weakened wood fibers or punkiness.

The Western Wood Products Association urges woodworkers to not consider blue stained pine junk wood. Often your blue stained boards can be used like a spalted or figured wood to create dramatic effects (see photo).

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